Everyone wonders why the brand that was initially known as WWF has now become WWE. It was the biggest change in the history of the company\’s 40-year-old existence. Due to this change, Vince McMahon had to start everything from scratch so that they could rebrand themselves as WWE. It all began back in 1994 when World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) initiated a lawsuit against World Wrestling Federation (WWF) for using the same acronyms.
History Of WWE
The company, which established itself as one of the biggest pro-wrestling brands, has a really long history. It began its journey as Capitol Wrestling Corporation (CWC) in 1952. Jess McMahon used to run the company at that time. The first major change came in 1963, and CWC became World Wide Wrestling Federation (WWWF). Vincent J McMahon took over the brand now.
In 1979, Vincent K McMahon, the current CEO of WWE, urged his father to rename the company as World Wrestling Federation (WWF). A year later, Vincent K McMahon found Titan Sports and bought WWF as well. He didn\’t waste any time applied for the trademark of \”WWF.\” The company began public in 1999, and it was officially registered as World Wrestling Federation Entertainment.

Why was WWF Changed to WWE?
Before WWE and WWF, the brand was known as Titan Sports. However, Vince McMahon used the acronym \”WWF\” to advertise the brand. Back in 1994, Titan Sports and World Wide Fund signed an agreement. According to this agreement, Titan cannot use WWF written in its wrestling promotion, and they were also advised to minimize the spoken use of WWF on its live shows and broadcasts. In return, World Wide Fund agreed that they would drop all the pending lawsuits against Titan Sports. They also allowed them to continue using their log of WWF.
Everything went smooth for six years, but in 2000, World Wide Fund filed a lawsuit against World Wrestling Federation again. This time, they accused them of violating the terms of their 1994 agreement, especially in their merchandise. As a result, Vince McMahon was forced to change the name of their brand. The last time they used the acronym \”WWF\” at Insurrextion was in 2022.
After that, Vince launched a marketing campaign titled \”Get the F Out\” and replaced F in WWF from E. They changed their URL from wwf.com to wwe.com. The very next day, Vince McMahon held a press conference and revealed that the official name of the company was changed from World Wrestling Federation (WWF) to World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE).
After this official change in name, the use of WWF was prohibited in the company, and they even censored the word during the past references. Back in 2003, WWE won a case to continue the marketing of their classic video games that contained the logo of WWF. However, they did change the logo on its packing and replaced it WWE.
The brand was renamed World Wrestling Entertainment, but with time it shortened to WWE only. However, the legal name of the company is still the same. The WWF scratch logo became uncensored once again, starting from the 1000th episode of Raw. WWE and World Wildlife Fun reached a new settlement that allowed uncensored F in the logo when spoken or written. One can still see full-length matches that have the WWF scratch logo on the WWE Network Service.