Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Former Lakers superstar Kareem Abdul-Jabbar recently criticized LeBron James for his questionable actions on Sunday. Jabbar honored Carmelo Anthony as NBA\’s Social Justice Champion for the 2021-22 season. Kareem made some in-sensitive comments against the four-time MVP James regarding his conduct in public and his wayward stance on various issues.

Abdul-Jabbar said that James\’ actions were beneath him. The former Lakers player also said it is hard to determine LeBron\’s perspective as he seems to stand on both sides of the fence. After his comments, things got tricky for Jabbar, as the media exaggerated his words leading to a big controversy. Later on Sunday, Kareem commented on Twitter that his off-handed response had been blown out of proportion. He expressed his deep admiration and respect for LeBron James as a community leader and an athlete. However, the highest scorer in NBA history thought that his tweet was not enough to bury the issue. Hence, Kareem apologized to James during a radio interview on Monday with SirusXM Radio.


Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Hopes James Will Forgive Him:

During his interview on Sunday, Jabbar openly criticized James that sometimes his behavior taints his reputation and everything that the King has worked for over the years. Jabbar has taken shots at LeBron several times this season. Last December, Kareem criticized James for sharing a meme regarding COVID-19 on social media. Jabbar targetted James for his Sam Cassell signature dance celebration after scoring a three-pointer in the same month. Jabbar added that his celebration was disrespectful and made no sense. The former Lakers legend also said, \”Goats don’t dance.\”

However, Jabbar changed his statement when a full-fledged controversy surfaced after his recent criticism. During his radio interview on Monday, Kareem said he has been talking to the media since high school and making statements. The Lakers legend accepted that sometimes he does not get it right, and his comments on Sunday were one of those instances. Jabbar commended LeBron James for everything he has done for the Black community and the world of basketball. The six-time NBA champion said that he and LeBron may not always agree and made it clear that Kareem has tremendous respect for James.

Further, Abdul-Jabbar apologized wholeheartedly to LeBron for his recent comments. He added that if LeBron accepts his apology, it will make him very happy. The apology from Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is quite intriguing as he accepted that he was wrong and did the right thing. LeBron and Kareem may not agree with each other in every aspect. However, the legends have deep respect for each other, and the recent apology proves it. Hopefully, we will hear a return statement from LeBron soon.

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