Sergio Perez

Red Bull has two drivers like every other Formula One team, Max Verstappen and Sergio Perez. But one can suspect a clear difference in the Austrian racing team. Both the drivers of Red Bull don’t get praised equally. One of them often has to face partially. Everyone is aware of the fact that Max Verstappen is a back-to-back champion with 15 wins in a season, which puts Sergio Perez with just 2 GP wins in shadow. Once again, Checo is being compared, and this time he is expected to accept the reality.

The Mexican Red Bull driver may not have won any of the champions in Red Bull, but it is not hidden how he helped Max win the two titles. In Abu Dhabi last year and again in Japan this year, Checo had always had Verstappen’s back. And, not to mention, he is a good driver who has won two races this year, which makes him the third-best driver after Charles Leclerc this year. Despite this, a former F1 champion, David Coulthard, believes that Sergio Perez is not capable of winning a championship.

david coulthard
David Coulthard Max Verstappen

Winning the constructor’s championship after eight years and getting back its dominance in Formula One must have a great story behind it. Formula One takes everything from, and only then can you win. One has to make the best strategy, reliability, engines, consistency, and teamwork, and then the winner comes. This is where Red Bull did a great job this year. According to Coulthard, the team had the best package in racing, [best driver, best strategy, and the best engineers], which ultimately made the better strategic decision for the team. And about the reliability, David suggested that Red Bull has played it right.

Sergio Perez Will Never Become A World Champion Until Max Is There

Speaking in a documentary Lion Unleashed 2, The former Red Bull champion went on to speak about Sergio Perez. David believes that the Mexican driver does hold a vital role in Red Bull to help them function well dynamically. And there is no doubt when we say that Checo is a good driver. But still, he is never going to be a world champion. At least not until he is with Max Verstappen. This is because whenever Checo pushes harder, Max will go the hardest; whenever Checo goes nearest the first podium, he will have to pass Verstappen first.

Red Bull
VERSTAPPEN Max (ned), Red Bull Racing PEREZ Sergio (mex), HORNER Christian (gbr),

David Coulthard says Sergio Perez dreams of becoming a world champion. and of course, he should believe in it when everything is working. He has the pace to beat Max. However, Checo is also mature enough to realize that it is difficult for him to defeat Max Verstappen in a season as a teammate. Perez is already 32. It is more or, let’s say, the exact time when Lewis Hamilton did achieve a milestone. So the universe still goes in favor of Checo, but in front of ALL, there is MAX VERSTAPPEN, who will always be a CHALLENGE for Checo.

What do you think about Sergio Perez? Will he ever be able to beat Max Verstappen and prove David Coulthard wrong? Or will he always be in the shadows? Tell us in the comments.

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