Aaron Judge

The New York Yankees suffered a humiliating loss versus Houston Astros in the ALCS last year. Hence, the front office promised the dejected fans a bullpen makeover for the following season. Subsequently, the Yanks came in all guns blazing in the off-season. The Bombers signed left-hand pitcher Carlos Rodon for a six-year deal worth $162 million. On top of that, the club offered multiple short-term contracts to existing arbitration-eligible players.

However, the New York Yankees dealt with a daunting task ahead of the off-season after their star slugger, Aaron Judge, threatened to leave. Judge, ahead of the last season, refused a long-term contract and signed for just one additional year. Many MLB pundits and critics questioned the slugger\’s move and said the gamble wouldn\’t work. However, Judge kept the faith, trusted his gut, and registered a record-breaking season. Consequently, Judge was rewarded with a handsome payroll.


MLB Insider Reveals The Yankees Had To Sign Aaron To Maintain Their Identity

Aaron Judge

The New York Yankees fans faced a major scare at the start of the off-season. The club\’s star slugger, Aaron Judge, refused to sign an extension contract and threatened to leave. On top of that, the 30-year-old held talks with San Francisco Giants and reached an agreement. Just when the Bronx Bomber prepared to bid Aaron farewell, a last-minute divine intervention worked in the Yanks\’ favor.

After a month-long drama and uncertainty, Aaron Judge signed a nine-year-long contract for a handsome payroll of $360 million. As the Yanks fans rejoiced, Judge was appointed as the captain of the Yankees for the upcoming seasons. Meanwhile, an MLB insider believes the New York Yankees had to sign Aaron Judge by hook or crook as the club has no identity without him. The insider further added the future of the Bombers would have looked bleak had they failed to re-sign the slugger.

\”Without Judge, the identity isn\’t really there for the Yankees,\” says the MLB insider.

What Convinced Aaron Judge To Stay In The Tampa Base?

Aaron Judge-Anthony Rizzo

A few weeks into the off-season, the New York Yankees lost all hopes of seeing Aaron Judge donning the pinstripes. Hence, when the extension deal was announced, the fans were caught off guard and wondered what convinced the slugger to stay. Aaron, himself answered all the questions on Jimmy Fallon\’s talk show. The slugger said his teammate Anthony Rizzo texted and called him every day to convince Aaron that New York was his home.

Further, the New York Yankees owner, Hal Steinbrenner, personally talked to Aaron Judge over the phone, wherein they negotiated his contract expectations. Moreover, Hal promised the slugger that all his demands and expectations would be met accordingly. Furthermore, at the end of the phone call, Hal informed Aaron Judge that he would handle the captaincy duties for the Yankees from the upcoming season onwards. Hence, the slugger became the 16th captain of the franchise\’s history.

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