Toto Wolff

Central Turkey and Syria are getting destroyed by nature’s anger. The devastating earthquake on February 6th has taken more than 11000 lives so far. With a massive magnitude of 7.8 Ritcher Scale, the people of Syria and Turkey is facing the worst condition ever in history. People come out of their demolished buildings with broken legs, hands, blood, and deaths. Syria was already one of the poorest countries. And in such a time, nature’s disaster with such massive outrage made the world panic. People have been found dying of hunger and pain.

However, to help the victims, several social services organizations emerged. Many countries came out to help Turkey and Syria recover from the loss. Multiple NGOs and organizations decided to help the victims by donating even the least amount they could. Because, at present, money is the only thing one can provide from the farthest distance, aiming to aid those suffering. One of those coming-forward groups is Mercedes-Benz. The most expensive team of Formula One, who never remains behind in terms of helping if it is about money, came out to donate one million dollars to the two suffering nations.


“This Is No Time For Politics,” Said Mercedes Fans

Meanwhile, Lewis Hamilton shared a story on his social media account urging people to pray for Turkey and Syria. Mourning for the deaths, Hamilton shared his condolences to the family losing their loved ones. Mercedes Benz, via Twitter, stated, “We are donating one million euros to [a group which is meant to help the victims] for the people in Turkey and Syria who have been affected by the earthquakes. And, the donation will be used for local humanitarian aid in terms of providing bare essentials quickly.” In addition, the page shared a message saying, “Our thoughts are with those affected in the disaster areas, with which Mercedes-Benz has close ties through many colleagues.”

Nevertheless, this act Mercedes was found to be very appreciable by fans. As soon as the team tweeted this information, fans worldwide came out to praise Mercedes-Benz. Meanwhile, commenting on the Tweet, fans tried to express that there is “no time for politics.” One of the fans said, “This is very kind of you. Pleased to see that you recognize that earthquakes have no national borders and people have been affected elsewhere in the region.”
Besides, a fan named Jacky Kegel said, “Deep respect only for the ones who are doing that for Turkey here in Holland. They are doing it too.” Indeed, with this huge act of kindness, Mercedes made its fans proud.

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