Lionel Messi scored brilliant goals in the second half to rescue Paris Saint-Germain from a loss against RB Leipzig. PSG beats RB Leipzig by 3-2 in a thrilling game. After the 57th minute of the game, Leipzig was leading the scorecard by 2-1. That\’s when Lionel Messi decided to do what he does the best.

Messi scored his first goal to level the score at the 67th minute of the game. He kicked the ball onto the post and then hit the rebound inside the net to score the goal. During the 74th minute of the game, Lionel Messi took a penalty and smashed the ball inside the goal post to hit his second goal. With this goal, Paris Saint-Germain took the lead again in the game, and they managed to finish off the match with the same score.PSG had a chance to make it 4-2. But, Mbappe missed a penalty during the injury time. Mbappe had scored his last 11 spot kicks for PSG.


Andre Silva scored the first goal for Leipzig in the 28th minute of the game. Nordi Mukiele smashed the ball inside the goal post during the 57th minute and took the lead for his team. However, Lionel Messi ruined all their efforts by scoring two winning goals for PSG.
After the match, Kylian Mbappe revealed that he himself told Messi to take the first penalty. He stated that Messi is the best player in the world, and it is a privilege that he plays with us. He also added that if anytime there is a penalty, Messi will take it, period. Mbappe also revealed when PSG got the second penalty, Messi told him to take it.

Now, Paris Saint-Germain has seven points, and they\’re on the top of a Group A of the Champions League. Messi has scored three goals ever since he joined PSG, and now he has a total of 123 goals in the Champions League. Messi also became the fourth player to score in the first two home matches for PSG. Before him, only Neymar, George Weah, and Alex managed to do this.

Now, Paris Saint-Germain will face Marseille next on Monday, October 25. The French side will their best in this match to maintain their position at the top of the table.

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