FIA and Lewis Hamilton, is there anything going in between? Several factors are suggesting so, by the way. With FIA’s recent action that bans drivers from releasing any political statements during the Grand Prix races, fans are already guessing that FIA is somehow targeting Lewis Hamilton. Whatever the regulations FIA is implementing is affecting no other driver as much as it is affecting the seven-time world champion. No way? One might say that. But just look at the following analysis!

The 2021 “Human Error” Is The Proof Of How Hamilton Gets No Favor From FIA

First of all, the one rule that prevented Lewis Hamilton from becoming an eight-time world champion in 2021. What happened in Abu Dhabi in 2021 is known to all; Hamilton was leading the race from the beginning paving the way to break Schumacher’s record. But suddenly, after the safety car, the rules got changed on the spot.


Formula One director Michael Masi did not follow the rules written in the book. This allowed Max Verstappen to win the championship. Mercedes demanded a review from FIA. After the investigation, FIA called the incident a “human error,” but nothing gave aid to Mercedes’s wound. However, after the 2021 season, Masi was fired from his role for the wrong decision he made.

Max Verstappen Lewis Hamilton
Max Verstappen Lewis Hamilton

The second thing that suggests FIA’s direct target to Lewis Hamilton is the ban on jewelry in Formula One while driving. The Briton Mercedes driver is arguably the most fashionable driver ever to exist. He used to adorn himself with various pieces of jewelry; Hamilton’s ears and nose piercing is one the most influential fashion in the world.

But suddenly, after Mohammed Ben Sulayem became the president, he recalled the ban on such piercings from 2005. In 2022 the president imposed a ban on any kind of jewelry, even if it is a small nose piercing. No driver used to wear that except Hamilton. This ban was so visibly starting that even Sebastian Vettel claimed it was about Lewis Hamilton.

The Married Drivers Wore Rings, But Lewis Hamilton Was Fined For The Nose Pin

When Lewis Hamilton removed his nose pin, he got infected in the area, and thus, doctors advised him not to remove it suddenly. Just when Hamilton entered racing while having the nose piercing, he got the blame for breaking the law. And despite the medical needs, FIA slapped him with 25 000 million euros. The main reason why this move of FIA was considered inappropriate is that they allowed married drivers to wear rings! What is the problem with Hamilton?

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Third, the most important factor that decides YES FIA indeed targets Lewis Hamilton is the ban of political statements for Lewis Hamilton is famous. Using the formula One platform, Hamilton, along with Sebastian Vettel, raised voices against the social injustices taking place on earth. During the Black Lives Matter campaign, Hamilton And Vettel wore printed T-shirts on the podium.

Recently, speaking for the LGBTQ+ community’s rights, Hamilton used his helmet and tried to spread awareness. But somehow, FIA did not like it. Just as the 2022 season ended, the organization launched a ban on any such step. As Sebastian Vettel announced his retirement, only Lewis Hamilton remained, who will get the impact of the law.

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