
The Los Angeles Lakers’ new squad has been working out quite well, as the notable changes brought are familiar with each other. Since the changes came in place, LA is better at offense, deriving easy baskets, and defense is on its toes, leading to smooth transitions. And the player who is enjoying the most is D’Angelo Russell, who has arrived at the Lakers after a long time. The last time he wore the Purple and Gold jersey was late Kobey’s last season in the NBA. And since then, he has played in various teams to accumulate skills and experience.

It has been a while since the Lakers were looking for a fresh perspective from their players in the team. However, their inability to make the changes has brought them down to the bottom of the table. However late they made the decision, the new players from the trade market were here. And this would help the team make one last push in the last 23 games, which could finally lead them to qualify for the playoff spot. In the meantime, Russell has become a complete fanboy and appreciates every moment alongside LeBron James and Anthony Davis.


Nobody is Happier Than D’Angelo Russell In The Lakers

Even before arriving in LA, D’Angelo expressed his wish to play with his favorite AD and LeBron. While playing for the Lakers, Russell enjoys each and every moment on the court. Apparently, the point guard has made his place in the team and manages constant communication with all players. Especially LeBron James and Anthony Davis, who are the foundational pillars of the team. Therefore, everyone has to play supporting the two superstars, and Russell says the two are selfless passers. The young point guard even said that playing with LeBron is like playing with another point guard because of his reliability.

According to Russell, it’s easy to adapt to new styles of play when one plays with the best players who rarely mess up on the court. And since both of them are selfless and focus on passing, it gives him more ball time on the court. D’Angelo is comfortable on and off the ball, making him a critical player among the best ball handlers. Even the 29-year-old power forward appreciated Russell because of his communication skills on the court. The Lakers could be a completely different team in the conclusive parts of the season.


Meanwhile, Skip Bayless once again pointed out in his tweet that the last 23 games will be crucial for LeBron James’ regular season. It will be an essential last bit of games for the Lakers as well, who have at last brought impactful changes. Meanwhile, Russell, who is averaging 17 points in the last three games for the team, could extend his stay. If everything works out, the Lakers and the point guard could have mutual benefits from increasing his visit.