Red Bull

In 2022, after eight years, Red Bull finally paved the way for their dominance back in Formula One. The team outstandingly won double championships last year with Max Verstappen’s courtesy. Winning the world title in Formula One is a matter of each year, but winning a title by beating Mercedes, claiming the championship with 17 victories. And four races remaining is a big deal. Letting the seven-time world barely survive on the podiums is a big deal. And just doing that within a year, Red Bull became a master of handling the bid deals.

If you say that once again in 2023, the fighting Bulls will win the championship, we all will agree. Looking at their strong RB19, the 2023 F1 challenger, that they launched on 3rd February, some F1 pundits have started predicting an optimistic result for the Austrian racing team. The Sky Sports reporter named Ted Kravitz. Yes, the same reporter that claimed Verstappen had stolen Hmailton’s trophy in 2021, for which the entire Sky media was boycotted by Red Bull, has reflected his views on the new Red Bull car. And what he said is really a piece of happy news for the team this time.


Ted Kravitz Explaining The Benefits That Red Bull Has

Red Bull

Kravitz has pointed out three advantages that Red Bull has managed to gain this year, which will make the team “nigh on unbeatable.” Indeed the result will come out only when the car has its first run in Bahrain. But also, before a few things can be reflected that show the right path a team has already leaned on in order to win the championship.

There are three parts of the good news that Ted Kravit brought for Red Bull fans. First, the theory of using the lighter chassis. Second, the academic and design work. And the third benefit for Red Bull is that they have the BEST Driver, MAX VERSTAPPEN!

Now let’s dive deep into those claims of the Sky Sports reporter. For the first benefit, Ted Kravitz suggested that the chassis of Red Bull that was in development since the summer break of the 2022 F1 season has now finally been launched in the 2023 car. And this is not just a normal chassis. It is light-weighted, which will surely keep an impact on Red Bull’s performance in positive way. He said, “Red Bull will start the 2023 F1 season with that as a base.” He also said that they would develop that so that it remains underweight. And they can ballast it up to meet the weight limit.

From A “Thief” To The “Best” Kravitz Shared His Views On Max Verstappen

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Explaining the second benefit, Kravitz explained, “Red Bull will have done all the academic breach agreement of their cost cap restrictions and the penalty they have received for it.” He believes that the reigning champion team has done all the work before that even arrives and “towards the end of this year. And next year [2023], it will start to bite.”

And the last benefit that Red Bull has is none other than the two-time back-to-back world champion, Max Verstappen. The same reporter who criticized Max for winning his first championship is now claiming that Verstappen is a benefit to his team. “The team has the best driver on the grid in terms of form at the moment,” said Ted Kravitz.