LeBron Giannis

The Los Angeles Lakers LeBron James had his first loss as the captain in the last six All-star game clashes. When they were drafting their teams, the host asked LeBron his secret about his 5-0 feat as the captain. And the King replied that he thinks he always chooses the best team, but perhaps not this time. The 38-year-old is on top of his game despite it being the 20th season of his career. James’ game has been so eye-pleasing for the audiences that he became the most-voted player in the two conferences.

It was spectacular, even bringing all the star players and ex-legendary players on one stage. The league also had planned a ceremony that honored the top three all-time best scorers. As LeBron James passed Kareem Abdul-Jabbar recently, it was a special occasion for him. However, neither could he win the game he made history, and he did not win yesterday.

LeBron James
LeBron James

Apart from him, KAJ and Karl Malone were also present to receive the honor. The two former NBA players now lie behind the 19-time All-star on the leading scorers’ list. After celebrating the ceremony, thanking fans, and hugging the two legends, the night was over for LeBron.

Giannis Antetokounmpo Ended LeBron James’ All Star Supremacy

As with all the All-star games in the past, this was also for charity purposes where the money raised by them would go for a good cause. Team LeBron raised money for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah. And team Giannis Antetokounmpo on the other hand raised money for Raise the Future. These care homes provide foster care for children and provide them with stable adults. At the end of the night, both teams won a massive amount of money. The winners boasted a huge number of $700,000, and team LeBron’s team a sum of $200,000. However, LeBron James only played the first half game.

It has been a while since LeBron James has been back like the beast he has been throughout the season. In the game against the Thunders, he did not just make history. He also injured himself. And this injury is what kept him away from displaying a grand show of his skills. His first-half performance gave 13 points to his account before he hurt his wrist to vanish from the court entirely. Meanwhile, the other team’s captain Giannis only played half a minute to score only two points.

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Like any other LeBron James bad moment, Yesterday’s All-star event gave Skip Bayless another opportunity to taunt him. Bayless believes James was disappointing as he left the game halfway and did not push for MVP. In Skips’s Twitter post, he also mentioned that he hopes LeBron, as well as the last few games, are the “most important of his regular season career.” said Bayless. And so believes the four-time champ who does not want to miss another playoff second time in a row.