Lewis Hamilton

Formula One is one of the world’s most exciting yet dangerous sports. While it may seem like drivers simply sit and steer, the physical demands during a Grand Prix are enormous. Between the intense G-forces at high speeds and the mental strain of staying focused and safe, being an F1 driver is incredibly challenging.

This difficulty increases with age as reflexes begin to slow. Yet, at 39, Lewis Hamilton continues to outperform younger drivers. The legendary racer has had an extraordinary career marked by numerous triumphs and achievements. However, he revealed the major factor that could draw a curtain on his illustrious career. 


Lewis Hamilton Would Retire Racing If He Starts To Feel ‘Numb’ Behind The Wheel

Lewis Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton, the seven-time drivers’ champion, has shared that he still experiences moments of awe and excitement when he gets into an F1 car. Each time he gets strapped in and the car starts up; he feels a thrill that he describes as a bubbly sensation. This excitement continues as he pulls out into the pit lane and drives through Turn 1 for the first time in each session. Hamilton expressed that these moments of exhilaration make him feel fortunate and wish that others could experience the same thrill.

He also revealed that this ongoing excitement likely has kept him racing for so long. If he were to become indifferent or “numb” to these feelings, he would probably consider doing something else with his time. Hamilton emphasized that the joy he feels from racing remains fresh and intense. If he ever lost that sensation, he would need to find another exhilarating activity, such as flying fighter jets, to replicate the thrill he currently experiences.

Earlier, he shared his thoughts on the demanding nature of Formula 1, both physically and mentally. He confessed that he sometimes questions how much longer he can keep up with the sport’s rigorous pace. The constant schedule and minimal breaks between seasons have made him long for a more substantial rest. Unlike other sports, Formula 1 operates nearly year-round, with the season ending mid-December and training starting again in January. This grueling routine involves twice-daily training sessions and several hours of therapy, leaving scant time for relaxation.

Lewis Hamilton Discusses His Music Collection But Has No Plans To Release It

Lewis Hamilton, a known music enthusiast, has been actively creating music for some time. Despite his passion for music, he recently shared that he has no plans to release a new album. In an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, Hamilton spoke about how integral music is to his life, describing it as a key means of self-expression. However, he explained that his approach to making music is somewhat inconsistent. There are periods when he is highly productive and others when he lacks the motivation to create. Despite having a substantial collection of recordings, Hamilton is not currently interested in releasing new releases.