LeBron James Michael Jordan
LeBron James Michael Jordan Source: Sporting News

The biggest debate about NBA’s GOAT involves only two names, LeBron James and Michael Jordan. Moreover, it is a never-ending debate as for some, MJ’s six rings depict his greatness, while for some, it’s LeBron’s grand records. James just finished playing in his 20th NBA season, and clearly, not many players have such longevity. Also, there is a teeny tiny possibility that he might play next year as well. LBJ will be 39 then, but seeing his average, it certainly looks possible.

However, the question is; will he put his body and mind through another season of intense games and training? People generally call him the big freak of nature. Although currently, the four-time MVP is contemplating retirement. He really wanted to win the 5th championship ring of his career this year. But Denver Nuggets blew the 17-time champions away. However, it will not matter even if he retires in the off-season as people and his fans will see him as an equal to or even better than Michael Jordan. And one of them is none other than Lil Wayne.


MJ Won Six Rings While LeBron James Won Four – Which Is More Impressive?

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Since Cleveland Cavaliers picked him from the 2003 number-one draft, LeBron James has helped to change the game of basketball. Moreover, the King was the most highly anticipated rookie from his high school days since Kareem Abdul Jabbar. Like the ‘Captain,’ the King has appeared for 19 NBA All-Star games too. That’s the highest number of appearances. Indeed in these twenty years, the game has changed a lot, and LeBron played a big part. Moreover, he is the first player in National Basketball Association to become a billionaire while his playing career is still active. The Grammy winner, Lil Wayne, spoke about the GOAT debate with Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson.

Wayne is open about being a Lakers fan. Hence, when he chose LeBron James, it was no surprise. But Lil Wayne did put up an interesting argument, saying, “LeBron’s four titles are more impressive than Michael Jordan’s six because the King did it with three different teams, Miami Heat (2), Cleveland Cavaliers and Los Angeles Lakers one each.” Moreover, although it is still active, LeBron James has not been as lucky as Stephen Curry, who played for a single team all his NBA career. Steph Curry helped build a dynasty of the Golden States Warriors, winning four titles in eight years. But LeBron James played for three teams so far in his NBA career and won championships with each of them. 

Only Titles Might Not Help Figure Out Who’s The GOAT

LeBron James Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
LeBron James Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Source: Sporting News

In fact, LeBron James has better records than MJ in terms of scoring and assists of all time. Only a few months back, the King broke the ‘Captains’ record of all-time scoring. For almost 40 years, people thought Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s record was unbreakable. Indeed it was untouchable even until LeBron James did the unthinkable. But Michael Jordan has won more championships, six to be exact.

In the 1990s, MJ helped build a dynasty of the Chicago Bulls. Moreover, the Bulls dominated the game in the 90s like no other team has done before or after, winning six titles. Albeit, Bill Russell’s Boston Celtics was unbelievably successful. Under the leadership of Russell, the Celtics won 11 titles in 13 years. But only titles won’t help judge the GOAT. A lot of other issues come into the question, like durability and longevity, and so on.