Gilbert Arenas Claims Warriors’ Intentionally Leaked The Controversial Punch Video To Save Themselves In FUTURE

Draymond Green - Jordan Poole

Draymond Green - Jordan Poole

Recently, former professional basketball player Gilbert Arenas claimed that the Golden State Warriors team intentionally leaked the TMZ footage of Draymond Green punching Jordan Poole because only they had access. The incident of Green hitting Poole has shocked the basketball community since the video was leaked anonymously via TMZ.

Regarding this incident, Arenas spoke to VladTV, claiming that the team leaked the video. He argued that it was the team because only the team had control of the footage. He said, “There are cameras everywhere. People are filming all over the place, and who has control of this footage? The team does.” Gilbert added another interesting point that Green’s contract might have something to do with the leaked video case.


Draymond Green can choose to be a free agent after the season gets over. The Warriors might use the video proof as an excuse not to renew Green’s contract. According to the three-time All-Star, “Warriors are creating an excuse to justify why they may not offer a long-term deal to somebody or perhaps a bigger paycheck. Since Poole is the new promising talent, he will probably be renewed for the next season or maybe even for a longer time. But that may not be the case for Green.”

Warriors’ Draymond Green May Have Sealed His Fate With The Punch

Green, who’ll be 33 soon, must be keen on finding a big deal before hanging up his boots. He can even decide not to wait till his contract expires. An anonymous executive of the Western Conference has reportedly told Sean Deveney of Heavy Sports, “With the controversial punch on Jordan Poole, Green might have jeopardized his future with the Warriors.”

The executive added, “If the Warriors win the championship, there might be a possibility to keep him on the team. But that punch might have been the final nail in the coffin. There was already talk of leaving him due to his degrading performance, and his age is not helping to ease the matter. It does not make any sense to keep paying him big bucks, something like twenty million dollars, anymore.”

Several teams have been linked to this former Defensive Player of the Year, like, the Los Angeles Lakers, Dallas Mavericks, and Detroit Pistons. The Warriors’ star is averaging 7.9 points, 6.8 rebounds, and 6.7 assists in the current season.

An Overview Of The Green-Poole Video Controversy

Discipline and Hard work were the key factors of Steve Kerr’s team last season when they won the NBA championship. But even before the current season, the team had to face all kinds of blame and controversies. Criticism from innumerable fans and Gilbert Arenas have all joined the party to hit the team hard after the Draymond Green-Jordan Poole video was leaked anonymously. Arenas, a former Warriors team man (from 2001-2003), strongly believe this video leak is a conspiracy of the team, and this point has shed new light on the story.

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