LeBron James Lakers
LeBron James Lakers Source: NBC Sports

LeBron James has broken many records in his long and illustrious career. But nothing motivates him more than winning championships. He had to wait seven years after making his NBA debut to win his first championship finally. But it was not with the team that drafted him with whom he won his first title. For seven years, he stayed with the Cleveland Cavaliers since his debut in the league. But he didn’t win any championship in his first stint with the Cavs. He moved to Florida to join the Miami Heat. That’s when he started winning championships.

LBJ won four titles in his career but none in the last three seasons. Despite not being able to win a title in the last three seasons, LBJ always managed to have the spotlight on him. Last season, King James broke the all-time scoring record that belonged to the great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar for almost four decades. It was a landmark moment in the league’s history. Lately, LeBron James has broken another record that belonged to the Captain. However, this time, the King said, “It doesn’t mean much to me.”


Why Doesn’t Breaking the All-Time Minutes Record Does Not Mean Much To LeBron James?

LeBron James Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
LeBron James Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Source: Sporting News

King James recently broke the record for playing the most minutes in the regular season as well as playoffs. However, he achieved the record in the game against the Philadelphia 76ers. In that game, the 76ers blew the Lakers away. Joel Embiid led his team to beat the LA side 138-94. This 44-points loss is really a tough loss to handle. Hence, LeBron James was not able to celebrate his new record. In fact, he shut down any questions regarding the celebration of the new achievement. LeBron James just mentioned a little about his team’s performance, and that’s it.

Clearly, the humiliating Loss to the 76ers dejected the all-time highest scorer. Now, he also has the league’s all-time minutes record. But this record is not more important than his team’s success and failure to LBJ. In the post-game press conference, LeBron James mentioned the 76ers deserve credit, but the Lakers must play a lot better. Moreover, LeBron James pointed out that the Lakers didn’t do well at the three-point line against the 76ers. Later, Anthony Davis mentioned it was one of those games that they just kind of flush it.

LBJ Won NBA Titles With Each Of The Three Teams He Played For

LeBron James 2016 Cavaliers
LeBron James 2016 Cavaliers Source: ESPN

Moreover, greats generally don’t stop with winning one title. Once they taste title victory, they look to taste it further. LeBron James is no different. Moreover, he won back-to-back championships with the Miami Heat. Later, he returned to the Cavs and led his home team to four back-to-back conference title wins. But in 2016, King James helped the Cavaliers to end their NBA title drought.

However, he joined the Los Angeles Lakers in 2018. Later in 2020, LBJ and Anthony Davis led the Lakers to their 17th title victory. It was LBJ’s fourth overall. Since then, King James has been looking for his fifth title. It has been over three years, but LBJ and the Lakers are still looking to end their title drought. Can the Lakers win their 18th title with King James leading the team in his 21st season?