Anthony Davis net worth
Anthony Davis net worth

The Los Angeles Lakers are a mess that even a good trade move does not cover. It has been a long time since LA came back in form for a long period of time. It has all been one big roller coaster ride, sometimes up and about and slow on most turns. The team with which they entered the season needed more backbone, and now they need more purpose. Hollywood fans and some players on the team wanted the team to change. But even after all the changes in the trade market, the team still displays lackluster performances.

The foundation of the whole franchise is built upon two current superstars, LeBron James, and Anthony Davis. The front office did a complete do-over to surround the two prominent players with the best support around them. But the results are still lacking, and it could be because of some uprising locker room problems. It has been a while since Anthony Davis has been acting strange and unhappy on the court. His performance has also taken a step back and limited himself to the backcourt. What was feared has happened Davis has not returned the same monster as he was prior to the injury.

LeBron James Anthony Davis

Anthony Davis Unhappy Beside LeBron James In The Lakers

It will not be the first time that any player will be unhappy as LeBron James takes all the spotlight for himself. The 38-year-old is a never-stopping, well-fueled machine that is set out to destroy record after record. And it could be intimidating to team up with one of the greatest players to play the game in the NBA. On the other hand, Davis is nothing sort of a hurricane, a fierce opponent himself. But there has been some evidence that shows he is not either happy with the Lakers or the way they are playing.

The eight-time All-star is one of the prominent Lakers players alongside his duel LeBron James. The two even won the 2020 championship title together to become one of the most lethal duos in the league. However, the reports lately suggest that James and the camp might be upset with Anthony. Besides his skill to dominate both ends of the court, he misses major court times because of his injuries. And this puts pressure on the 18-time All-star to put in more minutes which puts LeBron under exhaustion. If he continues to pull the double shift, it could have a stressful impact on his body.

Anthony Davis-Lakers
Anthony Davis-Lakers

AD’s lack of interest in the Lakers is so clearly visible that the NBA insiders are also talking about him. According to Brian Windhorst, Davis looks a little out of place. But “I don’t think Anthony Davis wants to not be a Laker,” said Windhorst. There are many rumors in the market which also believe Anthony wants out of the Lakers. And Dallas Mavericks could be his new home to put his skills to work.