Why LeBron James Won’t Meddle With Lakers’ Signing And Trading Moves Anymore?

LeBron James

LeBron James Source: Sports Illustrated

LeBron James has always been the center of the Los Angeles Lakers roster ever since he joined the army in 2018. The front office is still focusing on building a team around LeBron James and Anthony Davis for the next season. Both James and Davis have one more year in their contract. Hence, the team will have to extend their contracts after the next season is over. On the other hand, if they plan to reshuffle the team, then the Lakers may have to let go of James and Davis. Anyway, the two stars occupy a big chunk of the Laker’s cap space.

It is because the Lakers cannot imagine at present building a team without King James. Moreover, when they signed Anthony Davis, it was to bring solid support for James. The plan turned out to be fruitful as the duo helped the team win the 2019-20 season. However, since then, the Lakers have failed to keep up with the expectations. But looks like the Lakers have disappointed not just the fans but also their 38-year-old star. This is because LeBron James won’t advocate for specific free agents trading or signing for the Lakers anymore.


LeBron James Not Willing To Interfere In Lakers’ Offseason Trades. But Why?

LeBron James Source: Sports Illustrated

Reportedly, LeBron James is not happy anymore as things are not going according to plans. Lately, he really wanted to win his 5th championship ring this year. He worked really hard to win in the Western Conference Finals, scoring 40+ points in Game 4. But it was not enough. Hence, after the Denver Nuggets knocked out the Lakers, the King felt so down that he even hinted at retirement or leaving the 17-time champions soon. Later, it was revealed that James was just exhausted as he was playing with a tendon injury on his right foot.

Perhaps that’s the reason why LeBron James is not willing to interfere in the Laker’s plan for the offseason trades. A close associate of James told Sportsnaut’s Mark Medina that he would not interfere in Lakers-specific free agents’ signing and tradings. This is because he is concentrating on his health to play in his 21st NBA season without many fitness issues. Moreover, James is focusing on fulfilling his $97 million contract until the end of the next year. Then perhaps, LeBron James can make a big announcement on his career. Maybe he would like to leave the Lakers or hang up his boots. Either way, a big announcement is coming next year.

King James Has Always Been At The Center Of The Lakers Roster Since 2018

LeBron James Source: Newsweek

LeBron James has always been vocal about who he really wants on his team. That way, the Lakers’ front office chalks out a plan in offseasons and even during the trades in midseason. For instance, during the last season, James mentioned that he would love to reunite with Kyrie Irving when the latter decided to move from the Brooklyn Nets.

The Lakers tried their best to sign Irving until the Nets traded Irving to Dallas Mavericks. However, Irving is still available to sign in the offseason, but it is highly unlikely that the Lakers are going in that direction. They are looking for younger and cheaper players who can fill the gaps in their roster. Moreover, James suggested Rob Pelinka, and the front office to sign Russell Westbrook a few years ago. The front office did it. However, that deal was a disaster.    

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