All important info on the 2024 F1 ACADEMY season explained.

Sports News International

Introduction to F1 ACADEMY It is Launched in 2023, it's an all-female racing series. Aims to develop young female drivers for higher levels.

Drivers and Teams in F1 ACADEMY There are 15 drivers and five teams and Age limit is 16 to 25 years old.

2024 Line-up Highlights Includes McLaren and Williams juniors. Some drivers supported by major partners.

Wild Card Entries and Returning Drivers Wild Card entries introduced for select races. Notable returnees include Hamda Al Qubaisi.

Cars in F1 ACADEMY One-make series with Tatuus T421 chassis. Powered by turbocharged engines.

2024 Race Calendar Overview Seven rounds across three continents. Supporting Formula 1 for the first time.

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