CHECKOUT: The Secret Behind Mercedes’ F1 Breakthrough Despite A Lackluster Start 



The eight-time World Title champions faced a challenging start to the season, grappling with a range of technical issues that seemed to hold them back at every turn. The W15 F1 project was plagued with problems, from balance to aerodynamics, and despite the team’s relentless efforts, the difficulties persisted.

However, the team remained resolute in their determination, continuously working on the W15. After numerous attempts, the car began to show signs of improvement, gradually gaining speed and momentum. This progress allowed the team to become more competitive, consistently earning points. Now, as the Formula One season reaches its halfway mark, Mercedes is brimming with confidence and regularly competing for top positions.


THIS Is How Mercedes Turned Things Around 


The Three-Pointed Star’s jinx of not winning a race for two years is finally broken, and the squad appears invincible. Drivers George Russell and Lewis Hamilton used to gripe about the vehicle, but now they love its pace and balance. Since the technical group led by James Allison unlocked the W15’s potential, it has performed admirably on the circuits. Consequently, the German Marque has consistently finished on the podium, including three triumphs. The British drivers concurred that the vehicle feels perfect as it dribbles around the turns.

The drastic turnaround started taking shape from the Monaco upgrade. The famous’ front wing upgrade,’ initially tested by George Russell, was a great success. The technical team changed the shape of the front wings, making the second element longer. Consequently, the W15 was able to generate more downforce, improving its control on corners. Moreover, the team’s strategy to tweak the floor components according to the track has worked phenomenally. While these updates were not visible, they played an integral role in improving the W15’s performance.

Moreover, the technical crew could fix the core problems by taking simple measures. The German Maqrue didn’t do anything magical; instead, they followed a plan and fixed one issue at a time. Therefore, Mercedes will continue to shine for the remainder of the season. The Silver Arrows F1 car is ready to take on the challenge in every situation. Thus, it will be an interesting second chapter for the Brackley-based outfit. 

Lewis Hamilton Appreciates The Improved W15 

F1 MercHub

In a recent media interview, Hamilton highlighted a significant improvement in his performance during the latest race, noting a dramatic shift compared to the previous Friday. Describing the difference as “night and day,” he explained that although he and his team had struggled with the car’s balance earlier in the weekend, the vehicle felt exceptionally responsive and well-balanced on race day. This enhanced control allowed him to take the lead and pull away from his competitors, a feeling he hadn’t experienced in years.

Further, Hamilton also voiced his dissatisfaction with Mercedes’ pit-stop strategy. He had advocated for a one-stop plan but was instructed to come in for a second stop. This decision was particularly frustrating for him, as his teammate George Russell successfully executed a one-stop strategy and initially secured the win. Hamilton felt that his tires were still in good condition, and he maintained a faster pace, making the second pit stop seem unnecessary.

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